Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Finishing my MBA

In 2007 I asked God to never put me through another master’s program. But this time we both made an exception.

The NCBA’s Master’s of Beef Advocacy (MBA) program is an excellent way for producers and beef enthusiasts to become better prepared to communicate with the public about beef issues. While I have always had a passion for all things bovine, I had often been afraid of saying the wrong thing. It’s not unusual for me to spend a good portion of my evening replaying conversations in my head and torturing myself over what I should have said. Occasionally, I like to torture Mr. Optimistic with my faux conversations as well.

So I was a little torn between wanting to advocate for my industry and not wanting to do us all more harm than good. Enter: NCBA’s MBA. The great part about this training program is that you get a broad overview of the beef industry, as well as specific talking points for everyday situations, or if you’re feeling brave presentations. Growing up in the cow-calf sector, this program especially helped me learn more about other phases of production. It also helped me better understand consumer concerns and the best ways to share information.

Even better…Once you complete your degree you’ll be connected to producers from across the country in the MBA alumni program. Like Facebook for cattle people, they have helpful tools to keep you updated on issues occurring within the media.

I must say I feel a bit guilty referring to my Master’s of Beef Advocacy as an MBA.

1) Most master’s degree programs I’m familiar with require a minimum of 30 hours coursework. The MBA requires only six online modules.
2) My MBA was free! No monthly payment to the Dept. of Ed.
3) It can be completed from the comfort of your own home. In your cow pajamas.

Check it out for yourself:

No really do it now.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted you to know...more than 8 or 13 people follow your blog...they just don't do it "officially!" I'm a follower, but not official. Keep up the great work & great pics!
